Steps for Pop Up Authentication Prompt

Show a popup to prompt users to authenticate using a Trusted Device before proceeding with a transaction or opening sensitive information

In this guide, we'll go over how to show a Pop Up that prompts the user to authenticate with their trusted device before moving forward with an action.

What you're building

Make sure you have done the Required Steps before you proceed.


  1. Setup Cotter with your API_KEY_ID and some config

Step 1: Setup Cotter

Include Javascript SDK

To use our Javascript SDK, include the script below in your HTML page.


Initialize Cotter

Initialize Cotter in your HTML page, below the script you imported above. For React apps, initialize this in index.html. You can use it later in any of your pages.

  var cotterAuthReq = new CotterAuthRequest(config);


Here's a basic configuration example:

var config = {
  ApiKeyID: "<your-API-KEY-ID>",
  // (optional) The email/phone number of your user 
  // (used to send OTP as fallback method)
  Identifier: "",
  IdentifierType: "EMAIL", // type of Identifier above (EMAIL or PHONE)
  // The Cotter User ID of this user
  UserID: "<your-user-id>",
  // Allow login using OTP sent to email or phone number
  // if use doesn't have Trusted Device set up
  // or if user choose to use OTP instead of trusted device
  // (To enable this, you have to set OTP true in the dashboard)
  AllowOTPFallback: true,
  // OnSuccess here will receive the JSON Event Response as a result
  // of the user Authenticating from their trusted device
  // You should send this JSON Event Response to your backend
  OnSuccess: async payload => {
    // For example, send this payload and the transaction data to submit
    // a transaction, and validate the payload in your backend
    // NOTE: The popup will immediately close, so set a Loading in your
    // frontend while submitting data to your backend

Advanced Customization

Check out how you can customize the form and change the configuration.

Step 2: Show Cotter Auth Request Pop Up

To show the the popup


What we have so far

  var config = {
    ApiKeyID: "<your-API-KEY-ID>",
    // (optional) The email/phone number of your user 
    // (used to send OTP as fallback method)
    Identifier: "<your-user-phone-number>",
    IdentifierType: "PHONE", // type of Identifier above (EMAIL or PHONE)
    // The UserID you registered to Cotter in the Required Steps
    UserID: "<your-user-id>",
    // Allow login using OTP sent to email or phone number
    // if use doesn't have Trusted Device set up
    // or if user choose to use OTP instead of trusted device
    // (To enable this, you have to set OTP true in the dashboard)
    AllowOTPFallback: true,
    // OnSuccess here will receive the JSON Event Response as a result
    // of the user Authenticating from their trusted device
    // You should send this JSON Event Response to your backend
    OnSuccess: async payload => {
      // For example, send this payload and the transaction data to submit
      // a transaction, and validate the payload in your backend
      // NOTE: The popup will immediately close, so set a Loading in your
      // frontend while submitting data to your backend
  var cotterAuthReq = new CotterAuthRequest(config);
  function openAuthRequest() {;
<div onClick="openAuthRequest()" style="background-color:#f0f0f0; padding: 20px">
  Open Auth Request Popup

Step 3: Receive Event Response Callback

We will pass a JSON Object describing the Authentication Event to your OnSuccess function. The JSON Object will have the following format:

  "ID": 2397,
  "CreatedAt": "2020-04-01T05:28:12.540127Z",
  "UpdatedAt": "2020-04-01T05:28:16.599833Z",
  "DeletedAt": null,
  "client_user_id": "<YOUR USER ID>",
  "issuer": "<YOUR API KEY ID>",
  "event": "LOGIN_WEB",
  "ip": "123.347.26.236",
  "location": "San Mateo",
  "timestamp": "1585718892",
  "method": "TRUSTED_DEVICE",
  "new": false,
  "approved": true,
  "signature": "reBafVsmpxO7km5jpRQ3xA..."

You should verify the signature in the event response to ensure this is valid and it comes from Cotter's server.

On this step, you should pass this payload to your backend together with any data you need to submit a transaction, or any other api calls to your server.

Validate Cotter's Event Response

Learn how to validate Cotter's event response here:

Validating Cotter's Event Response

🎉 You're done!

Next Steps

Customize your Pop Up prompt

Advanced Customization for Pop Up Authentication Prompt

Last updated