Enable reCAPTCHA to Protect Against Automated Abuse
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We have decided to enable Google's reCAPTCHA to protects you against spam and other types of automated abuse from making verification requests, especially using SMS or WhatsApp as it will cause you to lose money from sending these messages.
reCAPTCHA is now available for the JavaScript SDK. We are using invisible Google reCAPTCHA v2. This means that the reCAPTCHA prompt will be automatically triggered when the user press "Login", and if Google has suspicions about this request, it may prompt the user to solve some puzzle. Here's how it looks:
Go to Settings > Branding > Magic Link Form or OTP Verification Form > Phone Number
to fit the reCAPTCHA prompt:Option 1: Set the container div
to at least 530px
high, 300px
Option 2: Allow scrolling.
Under Rules, turn on Captcha Required:
Note that any verification request for email/phone number will require a valid reCAPTCHA token.
To test how reCAPTCHA looks like:
From now on, if you're using this emulated device, you will be prompted to solve the reCAPTCHA.