Cotter's iOS SDK helps you easily add a Biometric prompt or PIN fallback to your app. This is useful for protecting transactions or sensitive information like medical records.
Step 2. Set allowed Authentication Methods in the Developer Dashboard
You need to set allowed methods for authentication your users. To allow PIN and BIOMETRIC, go to
Remember to select the correct project in the dropdown list
Step 3. Initializing Cotter
You will have to do import Cotter on the file that will use Cotter. Then do initialization as follows
import Cotter...let cotter = Cotter(
apiSecretKey: <your-api-secret-key>,
apiKeyID: <your-api-key-id>,
cotterURL: "",
userID: <your-user-id>, // user’s id that will be created later
configuration: <your-cotter-config>
// registerUserCb is a simple callback that handles the cases for
// the API Call
func registerUserCb(_ response: CotterResult<CotterUser>){
switch response{
case .success(let user):
print("successfully registered the \(user)")
case .failure(let err):
// you can put exhaustive error handling here
switch err{
case CotterAPIError.decoding:
print("this is decoding error on registering user")
print("this is network error on registering user")
case CotterAPIError.status:
print("this is not successful error")
print("error registering user: \(err)")
// call the API using our client
userID: "",
cb: registerUserCb
2. Get a User
/* */
userID: <your-user-id>,
cb: { response in
// handle Result (Swift 5 enum) callback here
The verification flow will automatically prompt for Biometric Verification if the user's device has an enrolled biometric. Otherwise, it will fallback to entering PIN. Starting the verification flow is exactly the same as starting the Enrollment Flow on step 5.
// initialization
let cotter = Cotter(...)
vc: <your-vc>,
animated: true,
cb: <your-callback>,
hideClose: false, // hideClose param gives you the choice to show/hide the close button
configuration: [:]
HTTP Callbacks are the ones that you pass in to the start flow functions (startEnrollment, startTransaction, startUpdateProfile).
The callback form is as such:
// FinalCallbackAuth is the general callback function declaration
public typealias FinalAuthCallback = (_ token: String, _ error: Error?) -> Void
It takes in a token String and an optional Error object. Currently token String is not used in PIN or Biometric authentication. We're working on making the token useable.
Error types
For the FinalAuthCallback function, there are 3 types of CotterError that exist in the SDK. These include:
1. CotterError.biometricEnrollment
This error is produced when you fail to enroll your biometrics during the Enrollment flow in startEnrollment.
2. CotterError.biometricVerification
This error is produced when you fail to verify your biometrics during the Transaction flow in startTransaction.
3. CotterError.keychainError
This error is produced in all flows when the user's device is unable to attain its corresponding public/private keys.
However, you will almost always only encounter CotterError.biometricEnrollment and CotterError.biometricVerification errors in the resulting FinalAuthCallback function.
2. Authentication Callbacks
Authentication Callbacks are the ones that is passed in through the CotterAPIService. It uses the latest Result enum in Swift 5. The Authentication callback works similarly as the HTTP Callback, it can handle success and error cases as shown on the previous example.
The callback form is as such:
public typealias ResultCallback<Value> = (Result<Value, Error>) -> Void
What this definition says is that it takes a Result of a type Value, which Value can be any of the pre defined Cotter classes (such as CotterUser, CotterEvent, etc), and returns nothing.
Error types
When using the CotterAPIService class to call Cotter's API endpoints, there are 5 types of Cotter errors that you might encounter:
1. CotterAPIError.encoding
An 'encoding' error refers to an error encoding the HTTP Request.
2. CotterAPIError.decoding
A 'decoding' error refers to an error decoding the HTTP Response.
3. CotterAPIError.status(code: Int)
A 'status' error refers to the response having an invalid HTTP Status Code - e.g. Status 400 (Bad Request Error)
4. CotterAPIError.server(message: String)
A 'server' error means that our API server has responded to the request with an error message.
A 'network' error means that network conditions are poor, which can be due to bad internet connection.