To customize the Header of each screen, call Cotter.strings.setHeaders(<ScreenName>, <YourHeader>).
Do this right after your call Cotter.init, before starting any flow.
Cotter.init(this.getApplicationContext(), "",
getString(R.string.user_id), // user id
getString(R.string.api_key_id), // api key id
getString(R.string.api_secret_key)); // api secret key
// Setting strings for Headers
Cotter.strings.setHeaders(ScreenNames.PinEnrollmentEnterPin, "Activate PIN");
Cotter.strings.setHeaders(ScreenNames.PinEnrollmentReEnterPin, "Confirm PIN");
Cotter.strings.setHeaders(ScreenNames.PinVerification, "Verification");
Cotter.strings.setHeaders(ScreenNames.PinChangeVerifyPin, "Change PIN");
Cotter.strings.setHeaders(ScreenNames.PinChangeEnterPin, "New PIN");
Cotter.strings.setHeaders(ScreenNames.PinChangeReEnterPin, "Confirm New PIN");
Cotter.strings.setHeaders(ScreenNames.PinReset, "Reset PIN");
Cotter.strings.setHeaders(ScreenNames.PinResetEnterPin, "Activate New PIN");
Cotter.strings.setHeaders(ScreenNames.PinResetReEnterPin, "Confirm New PIN");
2. Customize Pin-Enrollment Enter Pin Screen
This is the first screen on the PinEnrollment flow.
To set the text for a specific element on a screen, specify the screen name, the name of the element, and the value.
// PinVerification
Cotter.strings.setPinVerificationStrings(Strings.ForgotPin, "Lupa PIN");
// PinReset
Cotter.strings.setPinReset(Strings.Title, "Verification Code");
Cotter.strings.setPinReset(Strings.Subtitle, "We have sent the code to");
Cotter.strings.setPinReset(Strings.ResendCode, "Reset Code");
Cotter.strings.setPinReset(Strings.ErrorInvalid, "The code you entered is wrong");
4. Customize Alert Dialogs.
There are 2 places where an AlertDialog will pop-up:
PinEnrollmentEnterPin: AlertDialog pop up when the user clicks 'X' to exit the screen.
PinVerification: On a very rare occasion, the signature generated by the biometrics may be invalid. In which case, the AlertDialog will pop up.
To update the AlertDialog strings on the PinEnrollmentEnterPin screen:
Cotter.strings.setPinEnrollmentEnterPinStrings(Strings.DialogTitle, "Are you sure you don't want to setup PIN?");
Cotter.strings.setPinEnrollmentEnterPinStrings(Strings.DialogSubtitle, "Setting up your PIN is important to secure your account.");
Cotter.strings.setPinEnrollmentEnterPinStrings(Strings.DialogPositiveButton, "Setup PIN");
Cotter.strings.setPinEnrollmentEnterPinStrings(Strings.DialogNegativeButton, "Next Time");
5. Customize Biometric Prompt
There are 2 screens where the BiometricPrompt will pop up:
PinEnrollmentSuccess: when Pin Enrollment is successful, user can then enroll their biometrics
PinVerification: When user's default authentication method is biometrics, user will be prompted to verify their biometrics when an authentication is required.