Sign in with Email/Phone Number

Our Flutter SDK offers the easiest way to integrate Cotter 's email/phone verification. You can simply call a function and it does most of the heavy lifting and authentication for you.

Concepts: Learn about how Sign in with Email/Phone Number works.


Verifying email and phone number in your mobile app using our Flutter SDK consists of the following steps:

  1. Call Cotter's Login function

  2. Setup deep linking

  3. Receive user's email or phone number, and whether or not it's verified

What you're building


Step 1: Import Cotter as a dependency

Add Cotter to your pubspec.yaml , then run flutter pub get.


Check the latest releases in You may need to restart your flutter for it to run pod install (stop flutter run and re run it).

For Android: Update minSdkVersion to 18 following the installation instructions.

Step 2: Setup Deep Linking

The verification will follow OAuth's PKCE flow which will open an in-app browser where your user can enter the OTP sent to their email/phone.

Pick a unique URL scheme for redirecting the user back to your app after the verification in the in-app browser is successful. For this example, we'll use myexample://auth_callback .

Make sure your URL scheme (the front part before ://) doesn't have an underscore or other special characters. To test it out, enter your Redirect URL here:

Setup in iOS

Add the following to your ios/Runner/Info.plist.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

			<string>myexample</string> <!-- 👈 Change this to your own URL Scheme -->
				<string>myexample</string> <!-- 👈 Change this to your own URL Scheme -->
	<!-- TO HERE -->


Setup in Android

Add the following to your android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml.

<manifest ...>
    <application ...> 

    <!-- Add the lines from here -->
    <activity android:name="com.linusu.flutter_web_auth.CallbackActivity" >
      <intent-filter android:label="flutter_web_auth">
        <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
        <!-- 👇 This is for myexample://auth_callback -->
        <data android:scheme="myexample" android:host="auth_callback"/>
    <!-- Until here -->


You may need to stop flutter-run and re-run it to see the changes.

Step 3: Signing Up

Make sure you have set up the deep-linking above.

Use the sign up method to:

  • Verify the user's email

  • Then create a new user in Cotter if successful

import 'package:cotter/cotter.dart'; // Import Cotter

Cotter cotter = new Cotter(apiKeyID: API_KEY_ID);
try {
  var user = await cotter.signUpWithEmailOTP(
    redirectURL: "myexample://auth_callback",
    email: inputController.text, // Optional, if you leave this blank, user can enter email in the in-app browser
} catch (e) {

Step 4: Logging-In

To authenticate an existing user by verifying their email:

This method will create a new user if one doesn't exist.

Cotter cotter = new Cotter(apiKeyID: API_KEY_ID);
try {
  var user = await cotter.signInWithEmailOTP(
        redirectURL: "myexample://auth_callback",
        email: inputController.text, // Optional, if you leave this blank, user can enter email in the in-app browser
} catch(e) {

Step 5: Verifying a logged-in user

To verify the email of a user that is currently logged-in:

Cotter cotter = new Cotter(apiKeyID: API_KEY_ID);
try {
  var user = await cotter.getUser();
  user = await user.verifyEmailWithOTP(redirectURL: "myexample://auth_callback");
} catch (e) {

Validating Cotter's Access Token

Checkout how to verify the OAuth Tokens from Cotter here:

Verifying JWT Tokens

🎉 You're done!

Getting the Logged-in User

Cotter's SDK automatically saves the logged-in user in your device's secure storage. Check out how to get the user information:

Getting the Logged-in User

Getting OAuth Tokens

Cotter also automatically generates an access_token, id_token , and refresh_token that is securely stored in the device's secure storage. Check how to get these tokens:

Getting OAuth Tokens

Securing your Project

Since you'll be using your API Key from a front-end website or mobile app, your API_KEY_ID is exposed to anyone inspecting your code. Here are some ways to prevent abuse:

Last updated