During enrolling Trusted Devices

During your app's registration flow, you will enroll the user's device as their first Trusted Device. On this flow, you will receive the User's information.

In addition to user information, you can also receive the OAuth Tokens when trusted device enrollment succeeds.

In you registration flow, you will enroll the user's device as their first Trusted Device. You would normally receive the user's information on the onEnrollSuccess function.

To receive the OAuth Tokens on this request, modify your code as follows:

import { Cotter } from "react-native-cotter";

class SignUp extends Component {
  onFinishRegistration = (userID) => {
    var cotter = new Cotter(
    // Enroll device as Trusted Device
      (getOAuthToken = true),  // 👈 Add this parameter

In your onEnrollSuccess function, you will receive the following response:

  "ID": "c6042472-f8cd-34le-921e-4hkb4d8cd52e",
  "client_user_id": "<YOUR_USER_ID>",
  "created_at": "2020-04-07T09:41:21.667849Z",
  "update_at": "2020-04-07T02:42:29.062304-07:00",
  "default_method": "TRUSTED_DEVICE",
  "deleted_at": null,
  "enrolled": [
  "identifiers": null,
  "issuer": "<YOUR_API_KEY_ID>",
  "oauth_token": {  // 👈 NEW Oauth Token
    "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1N...",
    "auth_method": "TRUSTED_DEVICE",
    "expires_in": 3600,
    "id_token": "eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiI...",
    "refresh_token": "3:qCznAaruV0R1NjVPw5HnN...",
    "token_type": "Bearer"

Cotter's React Native SDK automatically store your tokens securely inside the device's secure storage.

Tokens must be stored securely within your application.

Getting and Removing tokens from the Storage

You need to pass the access_token to your backend server on every API calls. You also need to remove the tokens from storage to log out your users. Check out how to do that here:

Renewing Expired Tokens

Access tokens and ID tokens expires in 1 hour. When they're expired, you need to use the refresh_token to get new tokens. Check out how to renew expired tokens:

Last updated